Donor 5943

This donor is on our Equity Policy (Korean ancestry). His vials are only available  to recipients who have Korean ancestry or Asian recipients whose own country of origin is not represented on our catalog. Please review the policy and call 510-841-1858 with any questions before purchasing the full profile.


*Profile Updated 5/10/24*

  • Available for siblings only
  • Available:


  • Ancestry: Asian/South Asian Descent, European/White Descent
  • Ethnicity: Hungarian, Irish, Native American, Korean

Donor Information

  • Vial Type: Washed, ART
  • CMV Status: Negative
  • Pregnancies: Yes
  • Family Limit Status: Family Limit Met
  • Expanded Carrier Screening: Yes
  • Blood Type: AB+

Physical Appearance

  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Height: 5' 11.5"
  • Complexion: Creamy, Fair
  • Hair Texture: Wavy
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Weight: 165 lbs.